Great insurance sales books.
An oxymoron?
Could be.
A short article?
You betcha.
A salesperson we placed asked for insurance sales book recommendations.
He’s preparing to start his commercial insurance broker career.
I hesitated.
Read a book about how to sell business insurance?
About as practical as reading a book to learn how to swim or ride a bike.
Experiential learning required.
But I offered him my go-to list.
Two books (does that even count as a list?) about insurance sales.
Two books about business insurance sales.
Not generic sales books.
Not life insurance sales books (please, no).
Read these two books.
In this order.
“Selling from the Inside Out” by Tom Redmond
Tom tackles new producer big challenge #1: the heavy prospecting to build a book of business.
“The Wedge: How to Stop Selling and Start Winning” by Randy Schwantz
Randy hits head on new producer big challenge #2: how to get a prospect to fire the incumbent broker so they can hire you.
Both books are on Amazon.
Randy’s book is crazy expensive on Amazon.
Cheaper to buy it directly from the publisher (Wedge).
Tom’s book can be had (used) for as little as $1.52 on Amazon.
Now, that’s a bargain.
Happy reading.
And happy business insurance selling.