CIB’s 6-month, on-demand, coaching-based New Producer Development Program. This program helps a new producer to get up-and-running quickly by ensuring they do the heavy initial prospecting needed to succeed. To see the full pdf document, click here.
3 Big Questions to Answer When Hiring a New Producer
When hiring a new producer, I look for these 8 Key Success Criteria: Sales skills Drive to achieve Relationship skills Cognitive abilities Work ethic Verbal skills Career desires fit Compensation fit Randy Schwantz, the legendary Wedge innovator, published a list in his fine book “GRIT – Find, Hire and Develop Real Producers“: Able to deal… Continue Reading
Should You Hire a New Producer Without a Degree?
A few years ago, most commercial insurance brokers required a new producer (salesperson) to possess a four-year college degree. As the economy booms and sales talent gets scarcer, most of our clients are now open to hire a great sales person without a college degree. That makes sense. College degree preferred — versus required —… Continue Reading
New Producer School?
2 questions I get about new producer schools. WHICH insurance company new producer school do you recommend? WHEN do I send my new producer to an insurance company school? WHICH company school? Answer: Use these selection criteria. In this order. 1. The insurance company that your agency values the most. 2. Follow-on sales coaching and… Continue Reading
Should You Hire Recycled Producers?
Recycling (or perhaps filching) somebody else’s producer continues to be a leading source for commercial insurance agent/brokers hiring new producers. One fundamental problem with this strategy is that the potential candidate pool of existing insurance producers is very, very small. Go ahead and fish for producers inside the insurance industry but understand that you’re fishing… Continue Reading