Should I Hire Insurance Recruiters? No matter what size your insurance firm is, it is important to make sure you are only bringing in the best insurance producer candidates to grow your business. The commercial insurance industry is competitive and fast paced. Insurance recruiters can help you find the best talent for your firm and… Continue Reading
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The Commercial Insurance Broker Job Description Explained
At The CIB Group, we help insurance brokerages recruit and develop top quality new producers, typically from outside the insurance industry. Sometimes we come across the question: “What exactly does a commercial insurance broker do?” Here is some information to explain this important position. Understanding the Commercial Insurance Broker Job Description A commercial insurance broker… Continue Reading
Oh Say Can You Sell?
When hiring a commercial insurance broker (producer), you should evaluate an individual’s success potential using 8 Key Success Criteria: (1) sales skills; (2) drive to achieve; (3) relationships skills; (4) cognitive abilities; (5) work ethic; (6) verbal skills; (7) career desires (fit), and (8) compensation fit. The detailed definitions for these 8 Key Success Criteria… Continue Reading
Smart Is As Smart Does
Smart includes knowing what you don’t know. Stupid includes failing to recognize what you don’t know. As Forrest Gump’s famous “stupid is as stupid does” adage reminds, a person is smart or stupid by their deeds. This post discusses cognitive abilities – or the smarts to be a successful commercial insurance producer – which we… Continue Reading
New Producer Success Formula: Sales Skills
Helping the country’s top commercial risk management and insurance brokers to recruit and develop the next generation of producers (sales people), we often get asked about the key ingredients for a successful new producer. Client hiring managers want to know, for sure, but so do candidates, business-to-business (B2B) sales reps considering the career transition to… Continue Reading