Recycling (or perhaps filching) somebody else’s producer continues to be a leading source for commercial insurance agent/brokers hiring new producers. One fundamental problem with this strategy is that the potential candidate pool of existing insurance producers is very, very small. Go ahead and fish for producers inside the insurance industry but understand that you’re fishing… Continue Reading
Articles featured in the recruiting sectionNullam rutrum pretium tortor, vitae venenatis felis bibendum in. Fusce molestie neque eget orci pellentesque, quis egestas purus ultricies.
Are You Preparing Your New Producers to Fail?
Many commercial insurance agent/brokers prepare for a new producer to fail. Typical scenario: a new producer hire gets minimal on-boarding. Training = sending them to an insurance carrier’s new producer school. This is a hope strategy. You hope for the best to happen. As if your new producer will, through osmosis or natural sales animal… Continue Reading
3 Blunders to Avoid When Testing Sales People
From talking with several thousand salespeople, pre-employment psychometric testing is widely used in sales hiring practices across many industries. Curiously, hiring other professionals – for example, accountants, nurses, or lawyers – apparently doesn’t require personality testing – but you’re hiring a salesperson?! Time to roll out your favorite behavioral assessment profile just to be sure!… Continue Reading
5 Things Sales Candidates Do Differently Nowadays
Working with Business-to-Business (B2B) sales people and predominantly Millennials, candidate behaviors have emerged that are the new normal. Recruiters and hiring managers need to adapt. We need to accept candidates as they are and do; not as we want them to be and act. (Before I proceed, let me be clear: this is NOT another… Continue Reading
Your Hiring Process Needs More Urgency!
We’ve all hear this old saw: “time kills all deals”. Whoever said it first had to be in sales, for sure. I suspect it might have been a recruiter. Those of us in recruiting (or its new, much fancier moniker: “talent acquisition”) know that URGENCY is a clear and obvious – if not THE –… Continue Reading